Ferguson Dental Associates

Periodontal Plastic Surgery

When it is the gums that detract from an attractive, confident smile, treatment options-including dental plastic surgery-are available.

Common problems are too much gum (Gummy Smile Syndrome), or not enough (Gingival Recession), or a combination of both, causing irregular gum contours.

Gummy Smile is caused by gum overgrowth, known as altered passive eruption, and affects nearly 19 percent of the population. Gummy Smile makes teeth appear "squatty," exposing too much gum when smiling.

Recession is a condition where the gum tissue moves away from the crown of the tooth toward the root, exposing too much tooth. Besides being unattractive, recession can contribute to tooth sensitivity, decay, and possibly tooth loss. Everyone's situation is unique, but often these conditions can be treated effectively with minor oral plastic surgery.

Gummy Smile
Gummy Smile after Oral Plastic Surgery